Does your small business need an efficient HR system?
Do you wish you had access to an HR expert?

Since inception in 2012, Kiy HR Services Inc has perfected our services to meet your needs. Our products and offerings are designed to make your job easy. We have streamlined everything to make your HR journey easy.

We have two types of clients we serve:



The Proactive Small Business

Your business is either opening with employees on day one, or you have been operating without employees and it is time to start hiring.

In both of these circumstance your business is best suited for our Kiy HR Membership.

The Reactive Small Business

Employee issues can creep up on small businesses so quickly. Can you relate to one of these situations? Good, longer-term employees are leaving ~ Or ~ You are experiencing an increase in absences ~ Or ~ There are no qualified applicants for your open position(s) ~ Or~ Your starting to notice your employees aren’t as motivated as they used to be.

If you are experiencing any of the above issues, or something else that causes you to feel overwhelmed and uncertain on what to do with the people and culture of your business, The Complete HR Blueprint is your best option.